There are a few principles of conduct for everyone involved in Tempest, numbered for easy reference. Note that the distinction between the player and the character is important in many of these principles. Your game may have additional Codes or requirements, but these eight points will be in effect for all Tempest games.
- Romantic and physical contact consent procedures will always be followed as appropriate, and OK Checks will be respected (these procedures are described in the section below). Physical contact between players is forbidden unless explicitly agreed to by all participants in advance.
- There is absolutely no behavior of any kind allowed that would be deemed derogatory to a person’s race, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender, body, national origin, age, ability, or other self-identity. This includes language, actions, and all out-of-game (OOG) communication. Although this rule applies only to players, not characters, it is important to note that any action which makes a player uncomfortable should be avoided. If needed, an out-of-game conversation should be had between the players to define boundaries of the in-game actions. Note that, because it will be considered immediately derogatory, all-over body (or all-over face) paint of black, white, brown, red, and yellow is prohibited and other colors must be approved by Staff. Stories, both Staff and Player created, will never include oppression based on skin-color, and Staff-run characters will not use all-over body (or all-over face) paint at all.
- Non-consensual sexual behavior does not exist in the game world, and players should not include it in backstories, nor should they discuss it, speculate about it, or expect to find it in any plot, lore, or gameplay options, even through consensual out-of-game interaction between players. It simply does not exist. Consensual sexual behavior exists between adults, and is entirely subject to both the physical and romantic roleplay negotiation policies.
- Sexual conversations and roleplay must not include minors, and it is the burden of the player initiating the topic to ascertain that everyone participating in a conversation is both willing and of age.
- No adult can be alone with a minor for whom they are not responsible. If such a dynamic occurs, it is up to the adult to immediately return to a populated area and get backup from other adults. Alone is considered any place out of the view of others. Ignoring this requirement can be grounds for immediate expulsion of the adult from the game.
- Although the game may attempt to engender feelings of danger and threat, no player should ever make any other player or Staff member feel unsafe or threatened. In-game threats should be worded so they are clearly in-game. Also, keep safety in mind: making sure that people are safe in a fight, or feel comfortable in a scene, is more important than winning the fight or creating an immersive experience. In most cases, use of recreational drugs, alcohol, and smoking/vaping is also restricted for safety reasons. Contact Staff if you have specific concerns.
- The property of players must be respected. Please do not take things that do not belong to you or treat other people’s property in an abusive or damaging way. If your character is taking or using the property of other characters, the default assumption is that it is alright for you to do so, as long as the property is treated well and eventually returned to the owner. The player that owns the items can ask that they not be used, that replacement representations (or “reps”) be sought, or that you simply don’t mess with their stuff.
- Out-of-game community behavior is expected to follow these codes as well. Topics that may be felt as bullying or triggering (such as discussions of incest, abuse, rape, or violence) may be discussed privately, but not in public channels where the buy-in and comfort levels of on-lookers cannot be appropriately judged and adjusted for. Accusations of improper behavior should be made to Staff and handled with the people in question, not brought to the community at large; such actions will be considered to be bullying.